What you need to know about Xeriscaping. Some folks refer to it as zero scaping while others call it xeriscaping. This is the use of drought tolerant plants and landscaping. Some might call it a desert look and others might say its a southwest look but I like to refer to it as simply zeroscaping. Basically what you are creating is a low maintenance, drought tolerant and aesthetically pleasing landscape. Its important to remember that not all homes are the right fit for xeriscaping. As a landscape professional nothing bothers me more than seeing a home that has traditional brick and Oklahoma stone with xeriscaping as the style of landscape. Homes with stucco, tile roofing, Mediterranean theme, white brick, pink brick and some other styles are a good fit. Most experienced landscapers will be able to tell you if this style is right for you.

This picture is in Plano, TX. As you can see the pink brick is a good mix with the river rock and Red Yuccas. This is the court yard area and the customer wanted a low maintenance drought tolerant but yet pleasing to the eye landscape. Well I thought perfect xeriscaping is the perfect choice. The use of river rock helps prevent the constant yearly cost of mulch but still covers up the root systems of the plants. The Red Yuccas and Silverado Sage are drought tolerant plants that can handle Texas droughts and limited watering during water restrictions. Which by the way water restrictions are standard every single year in all the Dallas, Denton, Collin and Tarrant Counties.
This example is another way xeriscaping can be helpful to your landscape. Do you have an area where grass cant grow because of the lack of sunlight? Well if that be the case river rock and hardscaping may just be the choice. This picture combines xeriscaping, hardscaping and traditional plantings to blend well with this style of home.
The possibilities are endless. If you feel like xeriscaping is for you or you would like to incorporate this into your landscaping then give Clients First Landscape Solutions a call. We can collaborate our ideas with yours to figure out what style is best for your home.
Thanks for reading!